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I'm Julie Duguid


Would you like a Kinder Mind?

Hello, I'm Julie

"The stress of life events can cause us to feel emotional pain, but being unkind to ourselves just adds to our suffering!"

Being confused and not understood is very stressful for our bodies. Being in a continual state of stress is thought to contribute to many illnesses and shorten our life expectancy. To help reduce this type of stress, I support and help you understand what is happening, what did or did not happen and what needs to happen, for you to gain understanding, so that you can have healthy relationships with yourself and others.

  • Feel supported as you discover and develop SELF acceptance, SELF compassion and SELF belief 
  • Let’s collaborate to interrupt and reverse the downward spiral you may have found yourself in, so that you can re-engage with life
  • Learning is an important part of relational growth, but you don’t need to learn alone!

You and your journey to new possibilities

As you are reading this, you have already started the healing process as:

    • One, you have recognised there is a stress you would like to resolve and
    • Two, you are already looking for support with understanding and solutions
  • You may be feeling:
    • Overwhelmed by your emotions
    • Confused by life or other people
    • Confused about why you think, feel or behave in certain ways
    • Plagued by worries and/or anxiety
    • Challenged by life and what it throws at you
    • Debilitated by depression and/or low mood
  • You have choices and you ‘can’ embark on a new journey with me as your guide and support.

This could be regular support, a season of sessions or booking a session as needed, contact me if you are ready to be supported.

Hear what others had to say about our work together:


“I love my job and I love to be there to help others, but when things started to feel too much, it really was good to talk. These sessions not only gave me a much needed emotional boost, I learnt a lot and gained some tools of how to cope with the many changes in my life. Each time I felt recharged and ready to face the frontline again.”

Busy Mother...

“At first it felt so wrong to spend money on this type of support, then my husband told me how much the whole family was benefitting from the changes in me. He saw it as a need, we spent money on nutritional food each week, so why not spend money on emotional nutrition?

Make-up Artist...

“I can’t believe how quickly the changes are happening, I have covered so much in such a short space of time. Julie just got it so quickly, without me having to overly explain things or really understand them myself. I felt really understood and supported. It has been such an enjoyable and profound experience, I would recommend it to absolutely anyone no matter what they are going through.”

Bus Driver...

“I love my friends and family and they genuinely wanted to help, but when I talk to them, it is different from when I talk in these sessions. Julie helped me learn to focus and identify the core issue and this helped focus my energy on finding the most helpful solution. I felt safe and always left feeling better than when I arrived.”


The attention and tender care with which Julie held space for me truly made a difference. It taught me experientially (I prefer experiential learning) that when overwhelmed by big emotions, I don’t have to forage my mind for “why it happened” “what caused it” and “what to do to fix it”. Instead I can just be present with my sensations and let them express and speak out loud and regulate my nervous system and THEN somewhere there is room to go foraging in my mind. Body comes first and with Julie I got a really good tangible experience of moving from overwhelm and not knowing what’s going on and what to do but still asking for help and feeling icky about that. TO a sense of appreciation for myself for asking for help and for learning that not all pleas for help will lead to disappointment. Julie is an incredible coach/therapist! I won’t ever forget when Julie asked “what can I help you with” and I said “I don’t know”, and Julie very comfortably said “okay let’s figure it out together”. THAT was such an important moment for me. Julie engaged ME, not just my mind.

I can Support you with...

Self Developement Support

… a focus on developing a supportive, compassionate inner world, the world you can never escape or run from.

Therapeutic Coaching

… helping you create better strategies to meet the complexity of our human needs more consistently, developing and utilising healthy resources to help reduce stress and anxiety


… self paced or group interaction courses

Trauma Reprocessing

… helping you understand how your past is showing up in your present and guiding you through the healing processes

Lean on Me

Time and space for you to metaphorically ‘Lean on me’ … when everyone else is leaning on you

I'm Here to Help

How We Can Work Together

Each 1 to 1 session is:

  • Unique to you, your needs and your situation, one size does not fit all
  • Confidential, collaborative, supportive and focused on realistic expectations, taking your personal circumstances into account

We can:

  • Meet virtually using Zoom
  • Talk over the phone

About Me:

Hi, my name is Julie and I lived with an unkind mind for way too many years. Life was challenging enough and yet my inner critic just added to my suffering. I had no clue it could be another way and was surprised and doubtful each time someone else spoke to me and treated me with kindness. I lived in this double bind for years, wanting kind connections and yet fearing them. 

Eventually I found the right combination of learning and support and started the process of befriending my critic, understanding their motivations and needs, helping them recognise the suffering they contributed to and offering them alternative choices. Developing a kinder mind and reclaiming my emotional resources helped end years of suffering.

Please get in touch

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